Saturday, March 14, 2009

驾车人士请注意!!Drivers please attention!!


Last few day when my dad was came back from work, he asked me to follow him out. His car was parking outside the house, he pointed at the front tyre on left side, I saw that's oil mark on the tyre. Dad told me, before he went into his car, an Indian man told him that the tyre was in oil leak. Dad just said thanks for inform to him, and drove away the car. He let a mechanic check the tyre after the way back to home. The mechanic said: " Luckily you didn't believe the Indian man. There's not leakage on the tyre, the man was bluffing you."

爸爸说,那印度人不是要抢我爸的车,就是想借机敲诈,让我爸把车子交给他。幸好我爸没有上当,我当时心想:如果是我可能会上当,因为我对车子不了解(虽然驾了2 年车),轮胎有没有漏油我根本都不会分。。。现在学到东西了,就是小心骗子!

My dad said, maybe the Indian man wants to snatch his car, or trying to swindle, makes my dad passes his car to him. Luckily my dad didn't get cheated, that time I was think like if let me get with the situation, I might be swindled. Because i'm not too understand about the vehicle (although I already had driving experiences for 2 years), I don't even know how to diffrenciate the tyre leak or not. So now this is the story I wanted to share. Be aware of swindlers!!

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