3月28号 星期六
Today is the day of result announcement, it's My Day! I'm so nervous about it~and I almost woke up late for it! Haha~Luckily there's no traffic jam on the way to college...(I should say luckily today is Saturday...hoho~)
The ceremony starts at around 1oam. First, speech given by someone. Next, it's time to get our cert! After receiving the cert, everyone starting to get photoshoot, to save the happy moment and the good memories.


我和Eevon,她即将到Club Med工作。祝她工作顺利!
Me and Eevon, she's going to work at Club Med. Wish all the best to her!

Jojo and Me

Me and Joey, she will continue her study after working for a year. Wish her everything goes fine.
Rachael and Me
Seen Cheow and Me
Kai Shyang and Me
Me and JP
Silvia,the cute cute indon girl.

Sunny and Me

Catherine and Me

CJ and Me

Mei Yin and Me
Four beauties:Rachael,Theng Theng,Me and Mei Hwei.
中午就和朋友到office去报名下个月的degree course,填好表格交了钱,就和朋友到Sunway Pyramid的‘旺角茶餐厅’去吃东西。
Went to register for degree course with friends in the afternoon, after the registration, we went for lunch at 'Restaurant Wong Kok' at Sunway Pyramid.
Aih~Time passes seriously fast! 2 years have been passed just like that...The notes made me think of the sweet memories when being with my friends past terms. Anyway, i wish them who are not continuing, have a good life in your future, and also wish me more hardworking, get much more good result for my exam.XD
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