The day I've been waiting for has come! I'm so happy and nervous thinking of I'll be watching many Hong Kong artists later~!
接近傍晚5点半,我和妹妹俩搭一个素未谋面的朋友的车上云顶(是女的啦!),出席一年一度的ASTRO 华丽台电视剧大奖。(听起来好像我去拿奖似的。。是去观礼啦~)
Around 5.30pm, I took a friend's car that I never met her before (She's a friend's friend) went to Genting, to attend the Astro Wah Lai Toi Drama Award. (Sounds like the award ceremony held for me...haha~I went there to watch la..)
We reached around 6.20pm, me and my sis went to the 'Red Carpet', waiting for the artists' appearance.
7pm, 2 hosts Vivian Siu and Jentzen Lim were prepared for starting the show. The artists appeared then:
The day I've been waiting for has come! I'm so happy and nervous thinking of I'll be watching many Hong Kong artists later~!
接近傍晚5点半,我和妹妹俩搭一个素未谋面的朋友的车上云顶(是女的啦!),出席一年一度的ASTRO 华丽台电视剧大奖。(听起来好像我去拿奖似的。。是去观礼啦~)
Around 5.30pm, I took a friend's car that I never met her before (She's a friend's friend) went to Genting, to attend the Astro Wah Lai Toi Drama Award. (Sounds like the award ceremony held for me...haha~I went there to watch la..)
We reached around 6.20pm, me and my sis went to the 'Red Carpet', waiting for the artists' appearance.
7pm, 2 hosts Vivian Siu and Jentzen Lim were prepared for starting the show. The artists appeared then:

马德钟/宣萱 Joe Ma/Jessica Hsuan

林峰/罗冠兰 Raymond Lam/Lo Gun Lan

林峰/罗冠兰 Raymond Lam/Lo Gun Lan

吴卓羲/杨思琦 Ron Ng/Shirley Yeung

钟嘉欣/许绍雄/胡杏儿 Linda Chung/Benz Hui/Myolie Wu

黄宗泽/杨怡 Bosco Wong/ Tavia Yeung

李司棋/陈豪/关菊英 Louise Lee/Moses Chan/Suzanna Kwan

Omg! I can't believe my eyes that I saw them! I really saw them!! Joe,Raymond and Moses were really handsome, Shirley, Linda and Tavia were extremely adorable!!! That's how people always say:'Real people look handsome/prettier than on the screen.'
8pm, everyone went into the hall, every artists were standing up at the stage, the show has started. The award 'My favourite character' given at the beginning of the show. Other awards included 'My Favourite Love Couple', 'My Favourite Theme Song', 'My Favourite Villain', 'The Most Unforgettable Scene', 'The Most Unforgettable Kiss', 'My Favourite Scene Stealer' , 'My Favourite Bizarre Character'. Last 3 awards are the most excited, there were 'My Favourite Actor' , 'My Favourite Actress', 'My Favorite Drama'. Below is the list who gets the award:

我的至爱戏势最强大奖 : 溏心风暴
Omg! I can't believe my eyes that I saw them! I really saw them!! Joe,Raymond and Moses were really handsome, Shirley, Linda and Tavia were extremely adorable!!! That's how people always say:'Real people look handsome/prettier than on the screen.'
8pm, everyone went into the hall, every artists were standing up at the stage, the show has started. The award 'My favourite character' given at the beginning of the show. Other awards included 'My Favourite Love Couple', 'My Favourite Theme Song', 'My Favourite Villain', 'The Most Unforgettable Scene', 'The Most Unforgettable Kiss', 'My Favourite Scene Stealer' , 'My Favourite Bizarre Character'. Last 3 awards are the most excited, there were 'My Favourite Actor' , 'My Favourite Actress', 'My Favorite Drama'. Below is the list who gets the award:

我的至爱戏势最强大奖 : 溏心风暴
My Favourite Drama Award : Hearts of Greed

我的至爱男主角 : 陈豪
My Favourite Actor : Moses Chan

我的至爱女主角 : 李司棋
My Favourite Actress : Louise Lee

我的至爱情侣档 : 林峰、钟嘉欣(溏心风暴)
My Favourite Love Couple : Raymond Lam , Linda Chung (Heart of Greed)

我最难忘的一吻 : 林峰、佘诗曼(岁月风云)

The Most Unforgettable Kiss : Raymond Lam , Charmaine Sheh (The Drive of Life)

我的至爱主题曲 : 讲不出声(溏心风暴-关菊英)
My Favourite Theme Song : Can't Say It Out (Heart of Greed by Suzanna Kwan)

我的至爱大反派 : 杨思琦(宋嘉儿-突围行动)
My Favourite Villain : Shirley Yeung (Sung Kah Yi-Brink of Law)

我的至爱极品造型 : 胡杏儿(肥田-肥田囍事)
My Favourite Bizarre Character : Myolie Wu (Fei Tin-To Grow With Love)

我的至爱红钟一点绿 : 许绍雄(周福荣-赌场风云)
My Favourite Scene Stealer : Benz Hui (Chow Fuk Weng-Dicey Business)
My Favourite Scene Stealer : Benz Hui (Chow Fuk Weng-Dicey Business)

我最难忘的一幕 : 大契:“呢度唔係法庭,唔需要讲证据,我对眼就係证据。”(溏心风暴)
The Most Unforgettable Scene : Louise : "This is not the court ,no evidence needed. My eyes are evidence." (Heart of Greed)
The Most Unforgettable Scene : Louise : "This is not the court ,no evidence needed. My eyes are evidence." (Heart of Greed)

我的至爱角色 My Favourite Character : (排名不分先后)
Myolie Wu (Fei Tin)
Myolie Wu (Fei Tin)

Tavia Yeung (Tam Ju Mei)
Tavia Yeung (Tam Ju Mei)

Linda Chung (Seung Zoi Sam)
Linda Chung (Seung Zoi Sam)

Jessica Hsuan (Lee Qing Wan)
Jessica Hsuan (Lee Qing Wan)

Joe Ma (Dai Lap Yan)
Joe Ma (Dai Lap Yan)

Raymond Lam (Wah Chan Bong)
Raymond Lam (Wah Chan Bong)

Charmaine Sheh (Weng Sau Fung)
Charmaine Sheh (Weng Sau Fung)

Moses Chan (Tong Zhi On)
Moses Chan (Tong Zhi On)

Bosco Wong (Lui Tou)

Ron Ng (Chung Lap Man)

Bobby Au Yong (Chai Foon Cheong)

Louise Lee (Dai Kai)
Louise Lee (Dai Kai)

The benefit of watching LIVE is, you can know what the host or the artists doing during break time for advertisement, which audiences at home will never know what they do. That day during a break, the host Ah Lek said too quiet and he then made the the audience laugh. He asked another 3 female hosts to join him, and then went down from stage and walked to Moses. He teased him by asking:"Why didn't bring 'your half' come together?" Moses felt shy and used his hands to cover his face, and all the audiences were laughing too!!

The show end up around 10 something, M'sian artists and Hong Kong artists gathered on the stage to have photo shooting. Me and my sis left after all the artists gone to back stage.

从云星剧场出来之后,我们就走到室内闲逛-漫无目的的逛。妹妹突然说不如到Genting Hotel的Lobby去,那里有沙发坐。上到那里,就看见往酒店Lobby的路围着好多人,路还被封了。当时还不知道什么事,后来想想,应该是艺人们在The Olive开庆祝会吧?果然被我才中了,哈哈!先看到主持人叻哥和老婆秀姑还有三位女主持人,其他本地艺人,香港艺人跟在后头。先有林峰、马德钟和宣萱,然后有杏儿、杨怡、关菊英和黄宗泽。等了许久,又看到了思琦、钟嘉欣、陈豪和李司棋,还有罗冠兰和许绍雄。
Came out from The Arena of Stars, me and my sis walked around at indoor theme park. She suddenly says why don't we go to the Genting Hotel's lobby?There are sofas for us to sit. When we reached there, we saw people crowded in front of The Olive Restaurant. At first, I still don't know what happened there. But then i think the artists will be having their celebration in the restaurant...I guess. That's really, the people shouted very loud when they saw the artists. I saw the host Ah Lek with his wife, Sau Gu what Hong Kong people called her like this also, and another 3 female hosts, other local artists and Hong Kong artists following behind. I saw Raymond Lam, Joe Ma and Jessica Hsuan, followed by Myolie, Tavia, Suzanne and Bosco. After a moment, I saw again Shirley, Linda, Moses and Louise, followed by Loh Gun Lan and Benz Hui.
大约12点35 分,妹妹受到了朋友传的简讯,说他们要回家了。我们还不舍得离开,因为我喜欢的艺人还在餐厅里面。。。没办法,因为我们是搭人家的顺风车,不要走也得走。就这样,心里和所有我喜爱的艺人说再见了!!此时我心想:接下来这几年的颁奖礼我还要出席!
Around 12.35am, sis got message from her friend that they wanted to leave Genting. We still not reluctant to leave because the artists still inside the restaurant. But no choice, cause we are taking people's car to go back home. Just say goodbye to the artists...I swear, I'll try to attend the award again for the year coming!
Came out from The Arena of Stars, me and my sis walked around at indoor theme park. She suddenly says why don't we go to the Genting Hotel's lobby?There are sofas for us to sit. When we reached there, we saw people crowded in front of The Olive Restaurant. At first, I still don't know what happened there. But then i think the artists will be having their celebration in the restaurant...I guess. That's really, the people shouted very loud when they saw the artists. I saw the host Ah Lek with his wife, Sau Gu what Hong Kong people called her like this also, and another 3 female hosts, other local artists and Hong Kong artists following behind. I saw Raymond Lam, Joe Ma and Jessica Hsuan, followed by Myolie, Tavia, Suzanne and Bosco. After a moment, I saw again Shirley, Linda, Moses and Louise, followed by Loh Gun Lan and Benz Hui.
大约12点35 分,妹妹受到了朋友传的简讯,说他们要回家了。我们还不舍得离开,因为我喜欢的艺人还在餐厅里面。。。没办法,因为我们是搭人家的顺风车,不要走也得走。就这样,心里和所有我喜爱的艺人说再见了!!此时我心想:接下来这几年的颁奖礼我还要出席!
Around 12.35am, sis got message from her friend that they wanted to leave Genting. We still not reluctant to leave because the artists still inside the restaurant. But no choice, cause we are taking people's car to go back home. Just say goodbye to the artists...I swear, I'll try to attend the award again for the year coming!
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