Monday, June 21, 2010



Yesterday was Father's Day! Since my dad still have to work on this BIG day, I was no idea about what to give him as Father's Day gift. Finally I went to buy a cake with lil sis while he has gone out, and waited for him back to celebrate.

这是‘芒果的诱惑’; )
This is 'Mango Temptations'


When he was back, we quickly took out the cake after he finished mee sua cooked by mum, finished rest and bath, wanted to give him a surprise. But he was rushing out for work, so he went out after some photos taken by lil sis, not eaten the cake yet. But he told that keep some for him, he wants to eat when came back late a midnight. Hehe! 

A look of satisfaction......

Upper layer is pudding, middle and down layer are mousses, there are some mango cuts in the middle too~


I was still not afford to buy any gift to him during Father's Day few years ago, and because the reason he has to work during weekends like such BIG day, he did not have dinner with us. I do really hope that I could afford after three years, I would like to bring him for buffet in a hotel!! And yet, he went to hospital for a nose check last week, and we gonna go and take the report tomorrow, hope everything is okay. Amitabha!

Lastly, I want to say 'I love you' to my daddy!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today is 16th June in solar calendar, 5th May in lunar calendar, Happy Dumpling Festival!!

Have you eaten the rice dumpling? Handmade yourself or buy from outside?

What kind of filling of the rice dumpling you like to eat?

You know how to make rice dumpling?

Here's the way teaching how to make it, good luck!

Hope all of you happy eating rice dumpling! Happy Rice Dumpling Festival!!



Last weekend, mum was gone for travel with her friends, I was happy because of 'that case', bro has invited me to go for badminton at badminton court nearby, and I agreed. I met dear Sabrina on the line, she was bored at home so accepted my invitation as well, so we make it to four.


We have booked the court in advance for one hour, departed at 2.55pm, just pay money then we can go in. Before the opening we were busy taking photos:P


Not even half an hour we played, Sabrina said she's tired, I feel exhausted too, wanted to drink some water but I left my water bottle on the table at home! Bro bought a big bottle of water and we shared:) Dad finished his lunch at restaurant nearby and he came to watch us, half way he played with bro while we having rest. Dad still strong ahh~Surprisingly he still can catch the shuttlecock while bro giving him a quick smack but I can't. I really too long never get a proper exercise, my shoulder was so painful, luckily that I still can sweat, means that I'm still healthy:D

好不容易一个小时过去了,我们回家洗澡,换件衣服再出门去吃晚餐!可惜弟弟傍晚约了朋友再去打球,回来再买晚餐给他。洗完澡出来天色已渐暗,快下雨了,想赶快把头发吹干却突然停电=( 算了,就让它自然干。出门时是六点四十五分左右,正想着到哪去吃。问了Sabrina说她没到过Pappa Rich,就带了她和妹妹一起到了甲洞分行的Pappa Rich

One hour passed, we went back to bath and change clothes, ready to go for dinner. Too bad bro had to go for badminton again with his friends, buy his dinner when coming back from dinner. When I finished bath, the sky was gettin' dark, I was trying to dry up my hair using hair dryer, but suddenly electric shock=( Forget bout it, just let it dry naturally. The time when we going out was around 6.45pm, was thinking where to have our dinner. Asked Sabrina and know she never been to Pappa Rich, so I brought her and sis along to Pappa Rich located at Kepong.


When we get there, photo shooting was our 'must do'! Open your eyes big and no blinking=P

These were side orders we ordered

Yummy food......


Finished dinner, we went for a walk at Jusco nearby, and left around 9.15pm. We had a wonderful Sunday......^.^


终于。。。。。。我松了一口气。:) 你们会不会很好奇,究竟是什么事情?

Finally, I have relieved. Would you guys curious what happened to me?

前两个星期,补习中心的负责人Madam Kong问我,有没有兴趣在我们附近的一间安亲补习中心工作(另一间分行)。她没有很清楚的告诉我工作的细节,只是跟我说教教小朋友读书写字,直到他们睡午觉就可以做自己的东西,工作时间早上八点半到傍晚六点半,一个月八百块左右。我不是贪钱多(更何况八百也不算多),能够接触到很多可爱的小朋友那多好,心想:反正呆在家里也是睡到日上三竿,不如就试试看,反正就只有一个月。。。于是,上个星期一就开始了我的第一天。。。

Last two week, the person incharge Madam Kong asked me that was I interested to work in an daycare and tuition centre nearby our tuition centre(their another branch). She didn't tell me the job description in details, only tell me that just teaching those kids to read and write, you can do your own thing during their naptime, working time is 8.30am to 6.30pm, allowance is around RM800. I'm not a greedy person or need money urgently (not to mention RM800 for that considered not too much for me), that's great can be closed with many cute cute kids, so I think:  Staying at home I would sleep till noon sometimes almost evening, why not try and see for only a month, just a month what......So, I started my first day last Monday......

早上八点零五分,我就驾车到位于Bukit Prima Pelangi的那间安亲补习中心去。之前有在那里教过补习,所以还知道在什么地方,只是旧地重游罢了。大概半小时的时间就到了那里,一位印度女人开门给我,问我是不是新来的老师。我对她笑笑说是的,然后跟她打了声招呼。一进门就看到两个小朋友,那个印度女人告诉我这些小孩都有时间表,我大概看了看他们周一到周五的生活作息和活动。早上八点到九点到达、早上九点到十点半是活动(做作业)、早上十点半吃早餐、早上十一点冲凉、中午十二点吃午餐、中午一点到下午四点是午觉时间、下午四点到四点半是下午茶时间、下午四点半到五点半是听歌学唱、下午五点半到六点半是自由活动。天啊!这么长的时间,我每天就要这样过。。。。。。

In the early morning about 8.05am, I drove to that daycare and tuition centre located at Bukit Prima Pelangi. I've been teaching tuition there few months ago, so I know the way:) I reached after half an hour, an Indian woman opens the gate for me and asks me am I new teacher. I smiled to her and say yes, greet her and ask her name. I saw 2 kids once I stepped into the house, the Indian woman told me the kids have their schedule to run everyday, I simply look around their schedule from Monday to Friday. 8am-9am arrive, 9am-10.30am activities (do writing and exercises), 10.30am breakfast time, 11am bathing time, 12pm lunch time, 1pm-4pm naptime, 4pm-4.30pm snack time, 4.30pm-5.30pm talent time, 5.30pm-6.30pm  free time. Oh god! Such a long period, and I have to spend time like that......

早上九点,那里总共就有六个平均三、四岁的小孩,还有一个两岁的小女孩叫Chloe。他们做作业的时间,我在教小朋友写字,那印度老师就抱着一直哭着要找妈妈的Chloe哄她,让她停止哭泣。好不容易到了早餐时间,Chloe看到了女佣捧出来的小蛋糕才停止哭泣,坐下来和其他小朋友一起吃。小朋友洗澡的时间我则一直陪着Chloe,她很爱到处走,我唯有一直跟着她,确保她不会跌倒受伤。午餐时间,Chloe也会用自己的小手抓着小汤匙舀稀饭吃,很可爱!可是当她吃到桌子上都有饭菜是就得喂她。。。。。。吃饱后,小朋友都得跟着女佣睡午觉,小Chloe的父母就会在那个时间来接她。Chloe 和印度老师离开后,其他小朋友都睡了,我有三个小时的时间能做自己的东西。吃完午餐后能做什么?不知道。那里没有无线上网,即使有电脑也没用:( 我的电话也没有好玩的游戏能玩,我静静的坐在那儿发呆,直到我觉得困了睡着。

9am, there will be 6 average 3 to 4 years old kids, and a 2 years old girl named Chloe. I was teaching the kids writing, and the Indian teacher was carrying Chloe and trying to stop her from crying. Finally till breakfast time, Chloe saw the food holding by maid, only she stopped crying and sit down eat with others. I was by Chloe's side during the kids' bathing time, she loved to walk everywhere, what I can do was only let her and keep following her, just make sure she won't fall down and get hurt. When lunch time, she can use her little hand to hold the small spoon to scoop the porridge, very cute! But have to feed her when she eat terribly like the porridge on the table......Finished eating, the kids have to take nap with the maid, lil Chloe's parents will come at that time to take her back. Once Chloe and the Indian teacher left, all kids slept, I will have 3 hours to do my own thing. What can I do after finish my lunch?I don't know. There's no WIFI, even there got computer also nothing can do with:( My phone don't have fun games, I sat there quietly in a daze, till I felt sleepy and fell asleep.

The babies are having class

从左到右:Catherine, Callista, Zachary, 印度老师, Maya, 和 阿B
From Left to Right: Catherine, Callista, Zachary, The Indian Teacher, Maya and Ah B


I woke up about 4pm, the kids were waken up by the maid to have their snack. The maid tells me suddenly she has to go, asks me prepare the biscuits for them, one of the boy can't take chocolate biscuit, so have to give him milk only. Oh my godness!!Make milk? I don't know! But I have to do it.......don't know how's the result I just hope he wouldn't say not nice to drink. Finished their snack, I don't really know what activities for them to do, so I just let them playing around. One of the boy suddenly came to me and say:"Teacher I wan to pee...!" I brought him to toilet and guess what he say to me...he said he doesn't know how to take off his! Take off for him...when he came out, I ask him to wear back the pant, he says he didn't know how to wear as well......*fainted* Why I never thought of this kind of thing when the maid leaving?! Is that included in my job description too? I need to do that for whole month? Finally the kids left at 6.15pm, I went back home immediately.

一踏进家门,我就开始向爸妈投诉,把从早上到傍晚放工的事情都一五一十说出来。然后我就传了封简讯给Madam Kong,告诉她事情原委,第二天不去了。她随后打给我问发生什么事,经过了解后,她让上司Madam Ng随后再打给我,叫我无论如何第二天一定要回去,因为上司正应付政府的教育考试。后来Madam Ng打来才告诉我她忘了嘱咐她的女佣,还说明天不会再发生同样的事。意味着我第二天真得回去。。。。。。

Once I stepped into my house, I start complaining to my parents, tell them what I did from morning to evening till I finished work. I sent a message to Madam Kong and tell her I wanna stop immediately, not going back anymore. She called me then asked me what happened, she said will ask the superior Madam Ng to call me, tell me however I have to go bak tomorrow because the she was having a government test. Not long after that the Madam Ng called me and say she has forgotten telling her maid to stayback, and guaranteed it wouldn't happen again. Meaning that I really have to go back there on the next day......

于是我第二天还是重返工作岗位,打算过了星期五正式请辞,我就自由了。好不容易到了星期四,心想过了明天我就自由了,耶!不幸的,我在晚上无故伤风感冒,鼻水一直在流,猛打喷嚏,一直都不能入眠。一直到早上八点多,我感觉昏昏欲睡的,赶快传了封简讯给Madam Ng,说我感冒了整夜没睡,传出去之后不久我就睡着了。朦胧中被某人的声音吵醒,醒来的时候看了看时钟,才一点。该死的!老娘还没睡够呢,哪个混账那么吵?!然后再看了看手机有没有回复,果然,Madam Ng 的回复,打开一看,‘一点过后你能过来吗?’天!再看看什么时间回复的,九点二十分!我的睡意顿时全消,有的是无名火气!我才睡那么几个小时,饭还没吃,澡也还没洗,居然叫我回去?管他的呢!我等到下午近三点才回复她说我刚睡醒。到了星期六下午,我又传了封简讯给她,说我不想再那儿工作了,她也就同意了。所以我才松了口气,不用每天天未亮就爬起来洗澡,在那里三个小时发呆睡觉,还睡得不舒服。。。

So I went back to work on the next day, planning to resign after Friday, then I'll be free. I was thinking I will be free after tomorrow on Thursday, yay!Unfortunately, I was having flu at night for no reason, nose water keep coming out, I keep sneezing all the time, hard to fall asleep. Till next morning about 8am, I felt going to fall asleep, quicly text Madam Ng telling her I got flu and didn't sleep for whole night, I fell asleep after the message sent. I was awakened by somebody's voice, had a look to a clock, it was 1pm. Damn! I haven't get enough sleep, which bastard keep making noise?! I looked onto my handphone to check whether was there any reply. There was:). Madam Ng replied, 'Can I see you after 1pm?' Gosh! I checked what's the time she reply me, it was 9.20am! I felt awoke suddenly, kind of some anger. Oh please I slept for few hours only, not yet eaten and get bath, now you call me to go back?! I don't care! I replied her message only almost 3pm saying I just woke up:P. Saturday noon, I text her again telling her that I wanna stop the job and don't want to go back there anymore. She just reply me 'k.thx.' That's why I feel so relieved now, don't need to wake up in the early morning everyday while the sky still dark, 3 hours there doing nothing, sleep there also not comfortable......


I was been there for four days, have known fews cuties there, honestly I was reluctant to leave them. Especially the youngest baby girl named Chloe. God destined, that's our fate~I have millions of reluctant, but no points to force myself to do something I don't like! Just hope they could grow up with healthily!

Don't know his full name, everyone calls him Ah B:)

They are sisters, Catherine is elder sister on the left, right one is younger sister Callista

She is Chloe, I like her most, only 2 years old! Chloe's mum beside~

Sunday, June 6, 2010




